
  • twospirit
    Aug 11, 2015 10:10:56 PM

    Overview of Qora II - The Situation 2/2

    I have to say that I appreciate what these guys have done so far. They are first class developers just like Ethereum and Maidsafe people. And what they are missing is just better background and more reactions from the rest of crypto world. And maybe some helping hands too. To get Qora rid of the last bugs (like the neverending „closing Qora with cross“ story), so the client would be ready for masses. The position of Qora isn’t easy. People tend to ignore what we are doing. I am afraid, that only because they fear for their investment somewhere else. We should focus on making them try Qora. We don’t need more investors who buy and hold. This is senseless for crypto that was designed to be used every day. So this is a call for you, we need new members of our community. No worries, once they try Qora, they will stay!

  • twospirit
    Aug 6, 2015 7:00:06 PM

    Overview of Qora II - The Situation 1/2

    Considering very dynamic development of last months and the fact that there never was any kind of newsletter before, I decided to sum up things regarding Qora’s current developement status and also analyze it’s position in crypto world. In last months, Qora brought to life two highly important „features“. Firstly, Automated Transactions went live on May 17th. Soon after, world’s first Atomic Cross-Chain Transfer happened between Qora and Burst blockchains under the direction of CIYAM team. Secondly, with latest 0.22 release a social network has been introduced as a usecase of the next big thing – the decentralized web. Some necessary updates and bug fixes improved the client too, but lets focus on AT and DW.

    Although Automated Transactions and especially the ACCT event interested some people in crypto world, the final impact was not so hard, as one would expect, and we failed to draw a proper attention to Automated Transactions (so far). Few experimented with ACCT’s and vbcs later added a nice example – the infinite loop rewarding forgers with 50 Qora – truly smart solution. People probably haven’t yet completely realized that Automated Transactions are working Smart Contracts, the key mechanism for 2.0 coins, and it’s in fact the same thing, what Ethereum is about to bring soon. Qora with AT does what Ethereum does (or will do).

    Comparing Ethereum’s IPO (21k BTC) and Qora’s market cap (1400 BTC), something isn’t right here, but put the market aside now. It’s known that people invest mostly because of a promise of profit, rather than because they want to use the technology. But I believe they are there developers waiting for Ethereum release, so why don’t we get them for Qora? Some of them? I think it’s time for key stakeholders to release some funds and motivate these guys, because we need them. We need them the same way Ethereum needs them too.

    Our advantage and bait could be the second important feature – a decentralized web, which is by the way the key aim of Maidsafe project. Yes, Qora does what Maidsafe will do. Qora developers tied Names with Arbitrary Transactions, so they created NameStorage service – a database management system for semi-structured data in blockchain. Engine for decentralized applications has been started. Tools for 3rd party developers are ready and Qora core team hints, that more can be expected soon. „Lot of usecases have become already possible to be made by talented ones and we have more to add for them, at least we are working on connecting two important dots and after that, almost everything will be possible,“ said Qora team to me. And they continued: „we also want the common user, who has troubles with difficult logic of AT, to be able to create his own smart contract comfortably“.

  • twospirit
    Aug 4, 2015 8:20:26 PM

    Overview of Qora I – A new beginning

    When I had returned from crypto holidays, latest development status of Qora surprised me once again so much, that I had to join back Slack and bitcointalk and dig all the new stuff Qora offers now. Back in May, I did the Qora presentation where besides existing features, also a roadmap was presented, where Automated Transactions with ACCT event were just about to come and also concept of microblogging service was drafted. It was amazing to see, how the AT implementation was a success and how fast Vrontis, skerberus and agran evolved the concept of decentralized social network using a „connecting the dots“ thinking. Congratulations to their fantastic success! And once again, thanks to CIYAM too!

    So I decided to take part in this movement again and in this „Overview of Qora“ I would like to inform about things going on, to take a closer look at the new features and to comment on development advance and also to tell you my impressions of other factors around like community's health, actual usage of our services, market trends, achievements and also issues to discuss, of course that by actually using the blogging service, that's so great! I want to take the topics one-by-one, so this overview is a serial thing and I hope you will be interested.


  • twospirit
    Aug 4, 2015 6:54:10 PM

    CCEDK plans to add new trading pairs for Qora - POLL

    According to informations from Slack, Ronny from CCEDK suggests an idea of adding new trading pairs for Qora on exchange. After Qora's successful entry on this trusted danish exchange, there is possibility to create another bridges to Qora world. Just let me remind you, that on CCEDK Qora can be traded not only for Bitcoin, but for USD, EUR and CNY as well, making it our first Qora<->fiat gateway. Last days, especially Qora/EUR market seemed to be very promising.

    Now Qora have a chance to be traded for other cryptos like Nxt or Litecoin etc. and it depends on us, if we want this to. This is why a new poll has been created here By voting you should express your direct interest in creating such a market, which means that you want to trade on this market in future. After some forethought you can also vote, if you feel, that such a market would help Qora a lot, but you are not directly interested in trading it.

    So this poll is about showing our interest weighted in our coins. After enough time, CCEDK will sum up the results and act accordingly. Wish you a good choice, Qora people!

  • twospirit
    Aug 4, 2015 5:04:24 PM

    New Qora service leading a crypto (r)evolution

    Just few days ago, Qora developers released version 0.22 of their powerful second generation crypto platform with very important new feature yet not seen in the world of cryptos — with a decentralized social network.

    This social network similar to Twitter is second improvement of Qora’s decentralized web server after searching engine presented in previous version. Using other Qora features like Arbitrary Transactions and Naming Service, this simple service allows users all things you can expect from modern social network. Blogging, sharing, liking, following, profiles, images, avatars…

    This is a big deal once you realize, that all of this is hosted on a blockchain! Users can access this social network in their browser and every time they want to make an action (like share a post), an API call to the wallet is made. Once user authorizes this API call, Qora wallet takes care of the rest! Although every action costs 1 Qora, considering the price (15 satoshi), this is definitely acceptable for uncensored social networking!

    If you are just a lurker, you don’t even need Qora wallet, because service allows you to browse the blockchain content. But the true fun comes with Qora client, setting all the things and creating your own content. With no censorship, you are really set up with freedom of speech. Now it depends on you how you are going to handle this.

    I believe that you begin to understand, that this is next important step in crypto (r)evolution I was talking about. Because financial freedom is cool, but is it really true freedom without freedom of expression? So let me kindly invite you to join this social network 2.0, because this all depends on us. If we don’t use the possibilities we have, we can end up again like slaves of establishment.

  • twospirit shared beyondbitcoin post
    Jul 27, 2015 10:53:00 PM


    "Reward 10,000 Qora with trading of 100,000 Qora within 1 week to the first 500 unique users trading Qora." - Ronny Boesing